Week One: January 1 – January 7
Week One Worship Resource (Days 1-7) for the Lord’s Day
Gathering with songs linked with their Scripture references:
Gen 1:31 “All Things Bright and Beautiful;”
Psalm 3:8 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing;” Psalm 5:7 “The Lord Is in His Holy Temple;” Psalm 5:8 “Lead Me, Lord;” Matthew 2:1 “We Three Kings;” Matthew 2:2 “O Come, Let Us adore Him;” Matthew 2:6 “Angels, from the Realms of Glory;” Matthew 2:10-11 “As with Gladness Men or Old;” Matthew 3:15 “We Bless the Name of Christ, the Lord;” Acts 1:3 “Alleluia! Alleluia!;” Acts 2:24 “Christ Arose;” Acts 2:36 “Jesus Is Lord of All;”
Acts 2:42 “Let Us Break Bread Together;” Acts 3:1 “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
Messianic Prophecy
Genesis 3:14-15 has the proto-evangelium or the first gospel prophecy that God would send a redeemer, the seed of the woman, who would bruise the head of the serpent. NT Fulfillment: 1 John 3:8, Hebrews 2:14: The shedding of Christ’s blood provided the redemption for those who place their faith in Christ.
God’s Word (text highlights from week one)
Psalm 1:1-6 (righteous and wicked people are contrasted; Proverbs 1:1-6 (proverbs of Solomon); Genesis 1:26-31; Genesis 3:1-19 (the serpent’s deceit on the sixth day); Genesis 6:9-22 (Noah); Matthew 2:1-12 (Magi seek Jesus)(Epiphany); Acts 1:1-14 (Ascension of Jesus into heaven)
Suggested Memory Verse: Genesis 1:27
Reformation Study Bible (RSB): “Human Beings Created In the Image of God” Genesis 1:26-27; “Covenant of Works” Genesis 2:24; “Original Sin” Genesis 3:2; “The Apostles” Acts 1:26
Heidelberg Catechism Doctrinal questions for Lord’s Day 1: #1 What is your only comfort, in life and in death? #2 How many things must you know that you may live and die in the blessedness of this comfort?
Westminster Shorter Catechism corresponding questions:#1 What is the chief end of man? #4What is God?
Prayerful Response/Breaking of Bread
Integrated Bible Reading Plan for Week One:
Day 1 Prv 1:1-6; Ps 1:1-6; Genesis 1-2; Matthew 1:1-17; Acts 1:1-14 1/1
Day 2 Prv 1:7; Ps 2:1-6; Genesis 3-4; Mt 1:18-25; Ac 1:15-26 1/2
Day 3 Prv 1:8-19; Ps 2:7-12; Genesis 5-6; Mt 2:1-12; Ac 2:1-21 1/3
Day 4 Prv 1:20-33; Ps 3:1-8; Genesis 7-8; Mt 2:13-23; Ac 2:22-41 1/4
Day 5 Prv 2:1-15; Ps 4:1-8; Genesis 9-10; Mt 3:1-12; Ac 2:42-47 1/5
Day 6 Prv 2:16-19; Ps 5:1-8; Genesis 11-12; Mt 3:13-17; Ac 3:1-10 1/6
Day 7 Prv 2:20-22; Ps 5:9-12; Genesis 13-14; Mt 4:1-11; Ac 3:11-26 1/7