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First 100 Weekly Readings
Old Testament
- Genesis 1-2 -Creation
- Genesis 3-4 -The Fall
- Genesis 6-9 -Noah’s Ark & Covenant
- Genesis 11-12 – Babel & Call of Abraham
- Genesis 15, 17-18 -Covenant Abraham, A Son is promised to Sarah
- Genesis 21-22 -Isaac
- Genesis 27-28, 32 -Jacob wrestles with God
- Genesis 37-46 -The Story of Joseph
- Job 1-2 -Satan’s Attack on Job
- Exodus 1-4 -Moses’ Birth & Burning Bush
- Exodus 7-11 -Ten Plagues
- Exodus 12-14 -Passover & Crossing Red Sea
- Exodus 19-20 -Ten Commandments
- Leviticus 17 -Life in the Blood & atonement
- Numbers 9, 13 -God’s Presence, Exploring
- Deuteronomy 6 -Obey God and Teach Children
- Joshua 1-6 -Crossing the Jordan
- Judges 13-16 -Samson and Delilah
- Ruth 1-4 -The Story of Ruth
- I Samuel 3-4 -The LORD speaks to Samuel
- I Samuel 16-17 -David and Goliath
- II Samuel 11-12; -David and Bathsheba
- I Kings 3-4; -Solomon’s request for wisdom
- Psalm 23; -Shepherd’s Psalm
- Psalm 51; -Repentance
- I Kings 8-9, 12; -Solomon’s Temple, revolt
- Psalm 103; -Praise the Lord
- Proverbs 1-6, 31; Godly Wisdom
- Ecclesiastes 3; -Time for Every-
- Song of Solomon 1; -Falling in Love
- I Kings 16-19; -Elijah and Prophets of Baal
- II Kings 5, 17; -Healing, Death of a Nation
- II Chronicles 7, 24; -Repentance, Joash repairs
- Joel 2; -Prophecy of Pouring out Spirit
- Jonah 1-2; -Jonah and the Great Fish
- Hosea 2; -Standing alone for God
- Amos 8; -Caring for the poor
- Isaiah 11, 51-53; -The Suffering Servant
- Micah 6; -Justice, Mercy and Humility
- Zephaniah 3; -The Lord is Mighty to Save
- Jeremiah 31, 52; New Covenant, Fall Jerusalem
- Habakkuk 3; -Joy in God My Savior
- Daniel 6; -Daniel in the Lion’s Den
- Ezekiel 37; -The Valley of Dry Bones
- Lamentations 3; -His Compassion Never Fails
- Zechariah 4; -Not by Might but by My Spirit
- Esther 4; -For such a time as this
- Ezra 3, 8-10; Rebuild temple,-Coming Home
- Nehemiah 4-7; -The Jerusalem Walls Rebuilt
- Malachi 1-4; -The Day of Judgment
New Testament
51. John 1; -The Word Became Flesh
- Luke 1-2; -Jesus birth and at Twelve
- Matthew 2-3; -The Magi and John the Baptist
- Matthew 4; -Temptation of Christ
- Matthew 5-7;-Sermon on Mount &Prayer
- Mark 4; -Calming Storm
- Matthew 13; -Kingdom Heaven
- Matthew 18; -Forgiveness
- John 3; -Jesus and Nicodemus
- John 4, 6, 9; -The Women, the 5,000, Blind
- Matthew 14; -Walking on Water
- Luke 10; -Good Samaritan
- Luke 15; -The Lost and Found
- Luke 16; -The Rich Man and Lazarus
- John 10; -Jesus the Good Shepherd
- Mark 9; -Transfiguration
- John 11, 14; -The Way, Lazarus
- Matthew 21 -Triumphal Entry
- Mark 11; -Cleaning Temple
- Mark 14; -The Last Supper
- Matthew 26-27; -Gethsemane & Trial by Pilate
- John 18; -Arrest and Trial
- John 19; -The Crucifixion
- John 20; -The Resurrection
- Matthew 28; -Great Commission
- Acts 1-4; -Ascension and Pentecost
- Acts 6-8; -The First Martyr: Stephen
- Acts 9; -Saul’s Conversion
- Acts 13-15; -The First Missionary Journey
- Acts 16-20; -Further Missionary Journeys
- Galatians 5-6; -The Fruit of the Spirit
- James 1-2; Faith and works
- I Thessalonians. 4-5; -The Coming of the Lord
- II Thessalonians 3; -Strength and Protection
- I Corinthians 13; -The Love Chapter
- II Corinthians 5; -A New Creation in Christ
- Romans 6, 8, 12; -More Than Conquerors
- Ephesians 5-6; -The Armor of God
- Colossians 1; -The Supremacy of Christ
- Philippians 1-2; -Your attitude should be
- Philemon 1; -Freedom from Slavery
- I Timothy 3; -Elders and Deacons
- Titus 3; -Justified by Grace
- II Timothy 3-4; -All Scripture is God-breathed
- I Peter 1-2; -Living Hope
- Jude 1; – Defending the Truth of God
- II Peter 1; -The Holy Spirit’s Inspiration
- Hebrews 11; -The Faith Chapter
- I John 1-4; -Love One Another
- Revelation 21-22; -A New Heaven A New Earth
Copyright © 2016 by Rev. Dr. Gene R. Sipprell