Week Three Worship Resource (Days 15-21)
Gathering with Songs linked with their Scripture references
Matthew 6:9 “God, Our Father, We Adore Thee;” Matthew 6:9 “The Lord’s Prayer;” Matthew 6:24 “Jesus Is Lord of All;” Matthew 6:35 “Seek Ye First;” Acts 8:4 “I Love To Tell the Story;” Acts 8:35 “Tell Me the Story of Jesus;” Genesis 35:15 “Nearer, My God, to Thee”
Messianic Prophecy
Genesis 17:19 -Isaac is a reflection of the coming Christ “…I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.”
NT Fulfillment: Luke 3:23-34 “…Jesus….the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham….” Romans 9:7
God’s Word
Psalm 15:1-5 (A Psalm of David)
Proverbs 4:20-27 (Fatherly advice on wisdom);
Genesis 32:22-31 (Jacob wrestles, his name is changed to Israel)
Matthew 6:5-15 (The Lord’s Prayer)
Acts 9:1-19 (Saul is converted on the role to Damascus)
Suggested memory verse: Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” NKJV
Reformation Study Bible (RSB): Acts 7:55 “Jesus’ Heavenly Reign”
Heidelberg Catechism questions for Lord’s Day 3rd Sunday: #6 Did God create man evil and perverse like this? #7 Where then does this corruption of human nature come from? #8 But are we so perverted that we are altogether unable to do good and prone to do evil?
Westminster Shorter Catechism: #10 “How did God create man?” #13 “Did our first parents continue in the estate where in they were created?” #14 “What is sin?” #15 “What was the sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate where in they were created?” #16 “Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression?” #17 “Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?” #18 “Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate where into man fell?” #12 “What special act of Providence did God exercise toward man in the estate herein he was created?” #20 “Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?”
Prayerful Response/Breaking of Bread
Integrated Bible Reading Plan for Week Three:
Day 15 Prv 4:10-19 Ps 10:1-11 Genesis 29-30 Mt 5:38-42 Ac 7:35-53 Jan 15,
Day 16 Prv 4:20-27 Ps 10:12-18 Genesis 31-32 Mt 5:43-48 Ac 7:54-8:3 Jan 16,
Day 17 Prv 5:1-6 Ps 11:1-7 Genesis 33-34 Mt 6:1-4 Ac 8:4-25 Jan 17,
Day 18 Prv 5:7-14 Ps 12:1-8 Genesis 35-36 Mt 6:5-15 Ac 8:26-40 Jan 18,
Day 19 Prv 5:15-23 Ps 13:1-6 Genesis 37-38 Mt 6:16-24 Ac 9:1-19 Jan 19,
Day 20 Proverbs 6:1-5; Ps 14:1-7 Genesis 39-40 Mt 6:25-34 Ac 9:20-31 Jan 20,
Day 21 Prv 6:6-11; Ps 15:1-5 Genesis 41-42; Mt 7:1-6 Ac 9:32-43 Jan 21,